The 223rd Topical Symposium of the Magnetic Society of Japan

Present status of materials informatics in the field of magnetics

In recent years, data-science aimed at extracting useful information by organizing a large amount of data by informatics such as machine learning and Bayesian estimation attracts attention as a new trend in science. Materials informatics (MI) by combining experiment, theory, computation and data-science can be expected to the discovery of a new fundamental rule of material design, such as correlation between material structure and physical properties. In this symposium, we invite five outstanding lecturers who are engaged in the studies of MI in the magnetic research field. We expect your active participation.

May 21st (Tuesday), 2019 13:00 – 16:40
Room 330, Surugadai Memorial Hall, Chuo University
(3-11-5 Kanda-Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) / Tel: 03-3292-3111
Admission Fee:
Free (reserved readers and students)
3,000 Yen (members, supporting members and cooperation members)
6,000 Yen (non-members)
2,000 Yen (members, supporting members, cooperation members and students)
4,000 Yen (non-members)
In cooperation with:
The Japan Society of Applied Physics, The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials, The Physical Society of Japan
The Magnetic Society of Japan / Tel: 03-5281-0106
Kouta Kondou (RIKEN), Shinpei Yamamoto (Sankei Giken)


Chair: Kouta Kondou (RIKEN)
13:00 – 13:40
“Feature extraction from magnetic domain structure using topological data analysis”

○Masato Kotsugi (Tokyo Univ. Sci.)
13:40 – 14:20
“Acceleration of resonance state calculation using the LLG equation”

○Chiharu Mitsumata (NIMS)
Break (20 min.)
Chair: Mikihiko Oogane(Tohoku Univ.)
14:40 – 15:20
“Data-driven analysis of experiments and simulations for magnetic materials”

○Kanta Ono (KEK)
15:20 – 16:00
“Magnetism and the atomic-layer alignment dependence from data-analysis approach”

○Kohji Nakamura (Mie Univ.)
16:00 – 16:40
“Exploration of electrode materials for magnetic tunnel junctions with the aid of machine learning”

○Masafumi Shirai (Tohoku Univ.)

The presentations will be given in Japanese.
Audio and/or visual recording is prohibited.