A Guideline for Preparation of Manuscripts for Submission to the Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan

Japanese Version is Here

Revised on January 15, 2014
Revised on January 27, 2023

 Manuscripts submitted to the “Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan” should be prepared in accordance with the “Rules for Submission of Manuscripts to the Magnetics Society of Japan” and also this “A Guideline for Preparation of Manuscripts for Submission to the Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan”. Manuscripts should use the “An English Camera-Ready Format for Submission of Manuscripts“.

*Note: The final submitted PDF file is published as it is without proofreading process. Thus, the authors are responsible for proofreading the manuscript. The publisher is not responsible for any errors and defects of the authors’ manuscript.

1. Lengths of Manuscripts
Regular Papers should be A4 sized. There is no limit on the number of printed pages for Regular Papers. Letters should occupy less than four printed pages. Short Notes should occupy less than two printed pages. For Proceedings of International Conferences, the manuscript length is defined by the Conference Committee. Information on the required formats of manuscripts and characters can be found in Section 11. Style of the manuscript.

2. Title
The title of the manuscript should properly and clearly express the contents. The length of the title should not be unnecessary long. If the paper is based on a presentation at the Annual Conference on Magnetics in Japan, the title may be changed from that of the corresponding presentation.

3. Authors’ Names and Affiliations
The authors’ names, affiliations, and their addresses should be given after the title. If the authors are affiliated to multiple organizations, use ” * “, ” ** “, etc. after the authors’ names and before the corresponding affiliations

4. Abstract
The abstract must be a single paragraph containing no more than 200 words for Regular Papers, 150 words for Letters, Short Notes, or Proceedings of International Conferences, and 100 words for Research Notes. The abstract is placed after the affiliations and addresses.

5. Key Words
All manuscripts should include a list of key words prepared in accordance with the following rules:
5.1 Key words should appear after the abstract under the heading “Key words:” and should be separated by commas.
5.2 Five to ten Key words conveying the content of the manuscript should be selected from the body of the manuscript.
5.3 Key words with concreteness should be selected; for example, “perpendicular magnetic anisotropy” instead of simply “anisotropy”.
5.4 Key words should be entirely in lowercase characters except when they are typically written in uppercase characters or in abbreviated forms.
5.5 Key words should include only adjectives and nouns, and should not include articles, prepositions, or conjunctions; for example, “magnetic recording” and “recording medium” should be used instead of “the magnetic recording and the recording medium”.
5.6 Words in compound or abbreviated forms are allowed only when they are in common usage.
5.7 Names of materials should be expressed precisely using chemical formulas; for example, Fe3O4 should be used instead of magnetite, and Fe1-xAlx(x = 0 – 0.5) instead of Fe-Al alloy.

6. Body of Manuscript
The body of the manuscript should be prepared in accordance with the following rules:
6.1 People’s titles should not appear in the manuscript except in the acknowledgments.
6.2 Footnote symbols and reference numbers should be written as superscripts.
6.3 Variables and mathematical expressions appearing in the body of the manuscript must be in italic characters, and must be properly spaced and clearly legible. For example,「Ms」,「Ku」,「E = E0log(kT/2d) (1)」.
6.4 Asterisks (*1, *2, and so on) should be used to indicate footnotes. The corresponding footnotes should appear at the bottom of the same page, and should be easily distinguishable from the main text.
6.5 Product names or numbers should not be used.
6.6 For compound words, abbreviations, and material names, rules 5.6 and 5.7 should be followed also in the body of the manuscript.
6.7 International system units (SI) are recommended. However, in the field of magnetism and magnetics, since transition to SI units is slow, the use of other unit systems, including cgs, is allowed. For a better understanding of unit systems, see “Recommended Units” in the web site of the Magnetic Society of Japan.
6.8 Units should not be written in italic characters. A single space should be inserted between the number and the unit; for example, “15 cm” or “200 V”.

7. Appendices and Acknowledgements
Appendices should be placed after the main body and acknowledgements should be placed before the references.

8. References
Reference numbers in the body of the manuscript should be written as superscripts, such as 1) or 3)-5). Appropriately numbered references should appear at the end of the manuscript after the bold heading “References.” The references should be as detailed as possible, and should be laid out as follows. The English names of the journals should be in italic font and the volume number of the journals should be in bold font. Pay attention to the use of colons and commas. The abbreviated names for the journals should be used with the reference to the “Journal Title Abbreviations” at the end of this web page. For Japanese journals without English name, use the Romanized name followed by (in Japanese).
8.1 Journals
Names of the authors: name of the journal in abbreviated form in italic font, volume of the journal in bold font, page (year of publication).
E. S. Murdock, R. F. Simmons, and R.. Davidson: IEEE Trans, Magn., 28, 3078 (1992).
F. Yamashita and Y. Yamagata: J. Magn. Soc. Jpn., 23, 1117(1999).
8.2 Books
Names of the authors: name of the book, editors’ names, page (publisher, place of publication, year of publication).
S. Chikazumi: Physics of Ferromagnetism, Vol. 1, p. 113 (Syokabo, Tokyo, 1978).
K. Ohta: Jikikogaku no Kiso 1 (in Japanese), p. 198 (Kyoritsu Shuppan, Tokyo, 1973).
8.3 Proceedings, Digests, Abstract books, etc.
Names of the authors: name of proceedings, name of conference, name of the editor, place of conference, year of conference, page (publisher, place of publication, year of publication). The name of the conference can be omitted if it is similar to the name of the proceedings.
A. Fukumoto and S. Yoshimura: Proc. SPIE 1663, Optical Data Storage, ed. by D. B. Carlin and D. B. Kay, San Jose, 1992, p. 216 (The Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Washington, 1992).
The name of the conference can be omitted if it is similar to the name of the proceedings.
8.4 Supplements (accompanied by the names of journals)
If an article has been published as a supplement to journals, the author needs to enter the name of the journals as well.
R. J. Gambino: Proc. Magneto-Optical Recording Int. Symp., Tokyo, 1991,
J. Magn. Soc. Jpn., 15 (Suppl. No. S1), 1 (1991).
8.5 Digests or abstracts (only prior to the publication of proceedings)
Digests and summaries may be cited only before the proceedings are published.
S. Uchiyama: Dig. Magneto-Optical Recording Int. Symp. Tucson, 1992, p. 1 (Magnetics Society of Japan and IEEE Magnetics Society, 1992).
M. Ohnishi, A. Kida, L. Lee, and M. Matsui: Dig. 24th Annual Conf., Tokyo, 2000, p. 328 (Magnetics Society of Japan, Tokyo, 2000).
8.6 Private communications(such as e-mail)
S. Oshima (private communication, April, 2001).
8.7 Web sites
Cite URL with the original html file name and the referring date.
http://www.soc.nii.ac.jp/msj2/index.html (As of April 15, 2005).
8.8 Patents
Only published information, such as patentees or applicants, publication number, examined publication number, registered number etc. should be cited.
S. Oshima: Kokai Tokkyo JP 2005-88888(2005).
T. Yamada: US Patent A.P. US 2005-9999999(2005).

9. Dates of Receipt, Revised and Acceptance of a Manuscript
The dates of receipt, revised for major revision, and acceptance should be placed after the Reference section as shown in the camera-ready format. The Editorial Committee will inform the authors of these dates.

10. Figures, Tables, and Photographs
10.1 Figures and photographs must be numbered as Fig. 1, Fig. 2, and so on. Similarly, tables must be numbered as Table 1, Table 2, and so on.
10.2 Captions, legends, labels, and other text in figures, tables, and photographs should be in English. Use uppercase characters only for the first character of the first word, except in all-caps abbreviations (e.g., LCD) or other cases where such usage is standard (e.g., van Alphen). The captions and legends of tables should appear above the tables, while those of figures and photographs should appear below. The printed size of the characters in figures, tables, and photographs should be larger than 1.5 mm in height.
10.3 If the manuscript is submitted by conventional mailing, figures, tables, and photographs may be printed on the same sheets of papers as other parts of the manuscript, or may be prepared separately and attached to the manuscript. If the sizes of figures, tables, or photographs cannot be adjusted, a memorandum requesting size adjustment must be attached to the manuscript.
10.4 Additional charges for printing pages with figures, photographs, or tables in color will be borne by the authors. However, there is no charge for color online only.

11. Style of the Manuscript
For instructions on the detailed format of manuscripts, please see “An English Camera-Ready Format for Submission to the Magnetics Society of Japan“.

12. Submission of the Manuscript
Manuscripts must be sent to the Editorial Committee of the Magnetics Society of Japan, in accordance with the”Rules for Submission of Manuscripts to the Magnetics Society of Japan“. Online submission should generally be used, but the submission by conventional mail of one original printed manuscripts and one photocopy is also acceptable. Online submissions should be made with reference to the submission guide on the submission website. Also submit a supplementary document for English copyediting of the abstract and figures/photographs/tables, which should include the paper title, author’s names, affiliations, locations, and abstract in the first page, using characters with a font size larger than 12 points different from that of the original manuscript. All figures, photographs, and tables should be also attached to the supplementary document for English copyediting. Figures and tables should be resized so that the characters of captions are larger than 12 points, and should be placed one or two per page. If English copyediting of the entire manuscript is necessary, a supplementary document for the full manuscript should be also prepared in double-space format, using characters with a font size larger than 12 points.

A Guideline for Preparation of Manuscripts for Submission