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INTERMAG 2005 :事前登録のお知らせ
Dear colleagues,

Please be reminded that March 2nd, 3:00PM (Japan time) is the deadline for early registration for Intermag Asia 2005.
The conference itself runs from April 4th to 8th in Nagoya, Japan.

For full details about the conference and for instructions on how to register please visit our website at:

The Advance Registration fee is JPY 65,000 or USD 550 for a member of IEEE or MSJ and is JPY 25,000 or USD 200 for students. (Note also that at the conference the IEEE is offering free student membership of IEEE and the Magnetics Society).
All prices increase by JPY 5,000 or $50 after the 2nd.

The full program is now available on the website.
A hard-copy program booklet will be sent to those who enter a 'profile' on the website (all authors and registrants already have a profile).

For your additional information, during your stay in Nagoya, we recommend that you visit the first EXPO of this century.
This will be held close to Nagoya and linked by Japan's first MAGLEV train service.

Intermag is an essential conference for scientists and engineers engaged in magnetics related fields. Please attend to enjoy the technical presentations and to participate in the many exciting and constructive discussions.

We hope to see you in Nagoya!


Susumu Uchiyama, General Chair
Roger Wood, General Chair